Unverified load 7039 in caliber .460 Weatherby Magnum
LoadID 7039
Bullet Hornady Interlock RN
Bullet Weight 350 grs
Powder Hodgdon Extreme H4350
Powder Weight 137.0 grs
Primer Federal 215
Brass Make Norma-Weatherby
Barrel Length 31" (inches)
C.O.L 3.725 (inches)
Velocity 3258 fps
Group 100 yds .853" (inches)
Submitted By Gun Writer Jungle Jim Scott
Gun Info Custom rifle with Lawton action, heavy 31" Shilen Stainless Barrel, heavy custom muzzle brake and a Kickeez Recoil Pad.
Comment This is a "Pet Load" of a friend of mine. This load has an explosive effect on any target containing water or any other liquid.